Titanate ft401

Chemical name: tetraisopropyldi (dioctylphosphidyloxy) titanate
English Name: tetraiso propyl (dipctl hope) titanate
CAS No. 65460-52-8
Molecular formula c28h63o7ti
Physicochemical property: colorless to light yellow transparent liquid with low viscosity, soluble in organic solution, insoluble in water, hydrolyzed in water. As the product is hexa coordinated titanate, it is more stable than tetra coordinated titanate, and is not easy to exchange with ester. Good adhesion to metal, glass fiber and other inorganic materials.
Use: This product is mainly used in unsaturated polyester FRP to improve the mechanical properties of FRP and prevent aging. This product can reduce the amount of titanium dioxide and solvent, increase the amount of clay filling, without changing the viscosity of the system, and increase the adhesion to glass and metal. This product is used to deal with metal powder and other inorganic fillers, so as to improve the dispersion and anti sinking of fillers.
Structural type
CH3 O C2H5
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[ CH-O-]4-Ti•[HP-OCH2CH(CH2)3CH3]2
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Molecular weight 559.0
Pack in 5 -, 25 -, or 200 litre drums.
Store in a cool, dry and ventilated place, away from light and heat.